The Randomized Hough Transform Used For Ellipse Detection

A. Schuler

Abstract – The Hough transform is basically just another integral transform such as the Fourier transform. It can be used to detect primitive shapes such as a line in a picture. To describe a line we only need two parameters (whether we take a and b, where a is the slope and b the offset on the y axis, or the parameters p, distance from origin, and Q, angle; doesn’t really matter). Now this transform is applied (usually to a binary image which has been preprocessed with some edge detection algorithm) to each point in the source image; the transform of each point (x,y space) is written in the transformed space (p, Q space). By examination of the transformed space, we are able to detect lines in the source image; because a line in the source image corresponds to a point in the transformed space.

We can now extend this simple approach to more complex shapes such as an ellipse. The general equation of an ellipse contains 5 parameters, therefore our transformed space would become 5 dimensional (since it was two dimensional for a line), what can cause a lot of problems even for a computer to handle.

To overcome this performance issues the RHT (Randomized Hough Transform) was introduced in 1990 by Xu et al[3]. Although the algorithm is not really applicable to curves that involve non linear parameters, it still is possible to use the RHT for ellipse detection if the process can be reduced to a linear problem (this has been done by McLaughlin in 1997[2]).

In this project the author tried to implement McLaughlin’s algorithm in MATLAB. The image processing toolbox is only required for preprocessing images not the RHT itself.



The Hough transform has been proposed in 1962 by P.V.C Hough. It was first used for pattern recognition in the early 1980s.

The basic concept of the Hough Transform is quite simple, lets look at the integral:

This equation tells us, that each pixel (I(x,y)) is transformed to a sine wave in the parameter space. These waves intersect with each other if the pixels that generated them lie on a line in the source image (see picture). It should be clear now, that it is easily possible, to extend this equation for curves of a higher order. For the example of an ellipse, which is given by the following equation:

the parameter space would become five dimensional which would make postprocessing of the parameter space almost impossible (single points in the parameterspace would now correspond to ellipses instead of lines).

Text Box: Figure 1 Hough transfromMcLaughlin introduced an improved version of the RHT (Randomized Hough Transfrom) to simplify the detection process.



The question the author asked himself was: is it possible to detect ellipses of any size or rotation in a binary image even if they are slightly overlapping? There are many applications where this algorithm could be used; for example the counting of blood cells in a sample (the algorithm could also handle overlapping cells) or even an accurate measuring of ellipses in any picture (it would be possible to compute the exact size and location of each ellipse). Since the algorithm returns the parameter value for each ellipse found it would be very easy to postprocess and store (once the ellipses are found the data could be stored additionally to the image data) the data (for instance elimination of false detected ellipses).


Detailed description of the algorithm

The algorithm is basically a stochastic process, what means that the outcome doesn’t have to be the same each time. The image has to be preprocessed with an edge finding algorithm (e.g. Sobel) and contains only binary values, i.e. pixels on an edge are 1 (=white) and all other pixels are 0 (=black).

1.      Take any 3 points out of the image that lie on an edge. The maximum and minimum distance two of the three points can have is restricted.

2.      Try to find an estimate for the center of the ellipse. This is done by the following algorithm:
Find an estimate for the tangent through each point p1, p2 and p3 (look at neighboring points an minimize the sum of the squared distances from these points to the tangent) => tan1, tan2 and tan3.
Find intersection of tan1 and tan2 => t1, and find intersection of tan2 and tan3 => t2.
Find midpoints of p1p2 => m1 and p2p3 => m2.
The estimated center now lies on the intersection of t1m1 and t2m2.
If center cannot be found, go to 1

Figure 2 Finding the center of an ellipse 1  Figure 3 Finding the center of an ellipse 2

3.      Now the center is found translate the points p1 .. p3 to the origin (0,0).

4.      Now compute the parameters a, b and c since we know that  by solving the following equation (p1=x1,y1 p2=x2,y2 p3=x3,y3):

If there doesn’t exist a solution, go to 1

5.      Check inequality , which has to be true for a valid ellipse. If false, go to 1.

6.      Now compute the parameters p, q, r1, r2 and Q since this parameter space is better behaved. Those parameters satisfy the equation:

7.      Now search the list of already found parameter sets (originally a list, as proposed by McLaughlin[2] but in MATLAB one better uses a matrix). If there is a parameter set whose values are close to the ones newly found (determined by an epsilon), then average those two sets and increase the count of this parameter set. Each parameter set has a so called count value, which tells how many times these same parameters have been found.
If there is no similar set, simply add the new parameter set to the list and set its count to 1.

8.      After a specified amount of those parameter sets is found (so called epoch), analyze the list (or matrix) of parameter sets. Take every set that has a count value above some threshold and check it.
By checking we mean going back to the binary source image and counting how many points actually lie on the ellipse specified by the parameters found. This counting has to be done with some tolerance of course and the amount of pixels is then normalized with r1 and r2 (to be accurate: the amount of pixels found on the ellipse is divided by the number of pixels lying on the rectangle defined by 2*r1 and 2*r2). This normalized value is then compared to some threshold and the ellipse is eventually considered existent.

9.      If there were some ellipses found then those pixels are erased from the original image (i.e. the image gets simplified). Now we clear the list (or matrix) of parameter sets and start with another epoch. (i.e. go to 1)

From this description it should be clear, that there are many parameters in this algorithm that have an impact on the performance:

·         What’s the maximum (minimum) distance allowed fro two points out of the three sample points. If we set the maximum to a very high value, it will become almost impossible to detect small ellipses (and vice versa of course). The minimum boundary simply should the algorithm prevent from taking two points too close to each other (so we would get a pretty bad estimate for the ellipse center and therefore for the rest of the ellipse parameters.
Value in MATLAB rht.m (in pixel):

·        How many parameter sets are collected in one epoch? This value is more ore less a function of the image size and the number of edge pixels: the bigger an image is (or the more edge pixels are present) the more parameter samples should be taken so we get at least one ore two sets with a count higher than 1.
Value in MATLAB rht.m:

·        What should the count threshold for a parameter set be? After each epoch, when we examine the parameter set list, we need to decide which ellipse parameters are worth checking. The higher this threshold value is, the harder will it become to detect an ellipse. A high value also implies more set samples per epoch. Practically a value of 2 (i.e. all parameter sets witch a count higher than 2) has been proven quite reasonable.
Value in MATLAB rht.m:

·        In finding the tangents, how big should the window around the point examined be? To find a tangent for one of the three sample points, we need to consider its neighboring points; the more neighboring points we consider, the better will the estimate for the tangent be. On the other hand, the bigger this window, the harder will it become to detect small ellipses.
Value in MATLAB rht.m (in pixel):

·        If we’re checking an ellipse for its existence, we basically count all pixels lying on the ellipse described by the parameter set examined, this cannot work without a certain tolerance, i.e. we consider pixels lying near the ellipse, too. This value can be set in pixels (i.e. number of pixels that the ellipse radius can be bigger or smaller). Of course it can increase the number of false alarms, i.e. it detects ellipses where there are none; a too small value on the other hand makes it almost impossible to detect any ellipse since in natural pictures the ellipses are never perfect (gaps, irregularities…).
Value in MATLAB rht.m (in pixel):

·        The above point leads to another issue: how to decide if the ellipse found exist. To accomplish that, we need to normalize to pixels counted along the ellipse some how. In this implementation it is done be dividing the number of pixels found by the number of pixels lying on the rectangle specified by 2*r1, 2*r2. The value is the compared to a certain threshold after which the ellipse is considered existent or not.
Value in MATLAB rht.m (in percent, e.g. 25 means 25%):

·        How is a parameter set considered ‘close’ to another set? This is very important when we have found a new parameter set and try to add it to our list. We have to compare it to every list member and decide, if there is already a set with values close enough (-> threshold). If this threshold is too small, we will always detect new parameter sets and never increase the count of one set, this prevents detection. If this threshold is too big, we might melt to actually different (in the source image) ellipses together (ellipses that are spatially close).
Another consideration worth is the value for
Q in our parameter set. Since were calculating the sum of absolute errors for each parameter set in the list (i.e. errori = abs(pi-p)+abs(q-q)+abs(r1i-r1)+abs(r2i-r2)+abs(Qi-Q), where errori is the error of parameter set i against the set examined) and we know that the value for Q is in radians (=> small numbers!) we have to weight this value by a factor. The other parameters don’t have to be weighted since they are all in pixels.
Value in MATLAB rht.m:



To test the implementation of the RHT we are using several generated (artificial) test images first, before we try our algorithm on a natural image.


a.) simple image containing 4 ellipses, no overlapping but clipping

Figure 4 Test image a, 4 ellipses no overlap, 256x256

With the following parameters the algorithm could detect the ellipses within 9 to 12 epochs:

MinPdist                        :    3

MaxPdist                        :    80

Epoch                           :    60

CountThreshold                  :    2

TangentSearchWindowRadius       :    7

EllipseRangeTolerance           :    3

MinCoverage                     :    35

MaxDiffError                    :    4

An output of the algorithm could look as follows:

   46.4391   54.0316  204.0627  154.2436

  138.1731   45.2103  227.4476   46.0106

   40.8758   26.8753   22.1174   53.3304

   32.0758   11.8140   63.9317   11.7326

   -0.0083    0.5791   -0.0054   -0.5410

This matrix contains 4 parameter sets (one in each column). The parameters are (from top to bottom): p, q, r1, r2, Q

Figure 5 Output image, input test a


b.) simple image containing 6 ellipses, overlapping and clipping

Figure 6 Test image b, 6 ellipses, overlap clipping, 256x256

For the algorithm it took approximately equal amount of epoch to detect all ellipses. Hard to spot was especially the very flat ellipse in the upper right corner (this was also an issue in test image a). Less surprising is the performance for the overlapping ellipses: almost without any false alarm they could be detected easily. The following parameters were used:

MinPdist                        :    3

MaxPdist                        :    80

Epoch                           :    80

CountThreshold                  :    2

TangentSearchWindowRadius       :    7

EllipseRangeTolerance           :    4

MinCoverage                     :    35

MaxDiffError                    :    4

Changes red italic: The number of samples (epoch) was increased (since we’re dealing with more ellipses) and also the ellipse range tolerance (same reason).

An output without any false alarms could look like:

   47.7433  180.9099   54.3444  152.3813   78.4066  203.5746

  138.2282  154.9737   45.0658   46.4624  193.4572  228.7357

   40.7623   54.3047   27.3958   49.4656   29.8101   22.1953

   32.6622   34.5280   12.1041   12.2116   57.7540   62.4453

   -0.0482    0.0188    0.5863   -0.5499   -0.4818    0.0239

Figure 7 Output for test image b

We slightly change the test image b, to test the real power of the RHT:

The image now contains incomplete ellipses (from overlapping) as it could occur in a natural image.

Figure 8 slightly changed test image b, incomplete ellipses

The parameters of the algorithm remains unchanged and so was the result. The flat ellipse still caused the most trouble. The output could look like this (the output image is superimposed on the input image):

Figure 9 Output to modified test image b


c.) complex image containing 17 ellipses, overlapping, incomplete

Figure 10 Test image c, 17 ellipses, overlapping, incomplete

This image now could be acquired from a natural image showing some blood cells (although it’s artificial). It contains 17 ellipses some of them overlapping. Most other counting algorithms would now detect 14 objects (maybe with intensive preprocessing the lower two ellipses could be separated…).

MinPdist                        :    3

MaxPdist                        :    50

Epoch                           :    80

CountThreshold                  :    2

TangentSearchWindowRadius       :    7

EllipseRangeTolerance           :    4

MinCoverage                     :    35

MaxDiffError                    :    4

The only parameter that was changed from test b to test c is MaxPdist (50) since we’re mostly dealing with quite small ellipses in this test.

The algorithm didn’t show any problems with this test set, it could always detect all ellipses (without false alarms) in about 10 epochs.

Sample output:

  Columns 1 through 7


  112.9360   84.8508   42.2839   37.0221  229.8996  202.9475  170.1096

  117.8678  170.4458  223.2040   26.9583  179.6400   15.3995  146.3641

   15.1776   15.0324   23.3171   18.2418   20.0866   19.3843   19.2995

   21.9421   24.6337   16.5942   12.9795   17.0011   13.0494   13.2101

   -0.0306    0.0346    0.6060   -0.0335   -0.1398    0.5956   -0.6915


  Columns 8 through 14


  100.1033  200.2431  144.6983   54.9993   31.2877  197.9204  209.5656

   32.7699   74.0598  200.1267   82.8938  152.2040  223.3853  102.6654

   20.2160   16.2228   20.1443   19.0936   27.6900   18.6038   22.2431

   13.3878   26.3834   17.1148   12.2795   20.1083   16.7905   17.3532

    0.0019   -0.4706    0.6066    0.6520   -0.6377    0.6551    0.0415


  Columns 15 through 17


  145.6133  117.3194   22.5593

   75.0058  215.1759  119.1884

   13.8327   21.3291   16.7653

   11.7336   15.1020   23.5869

    0.0995   -0.2305   -0.2200

Figure 11 output to test image c


d.) natural image containing about 10 detectable  ellipses,

Figure 12 natural image (blood cells)

The picture has to be preprocessed first (preProcess.m):

·        Image normalized (values between 0 and 1)

·        Contrast stretch

·        Noise removal by applying a wiener filter (which gives better results than a simple median filter)

·        Edge detection using the Sobel operator

This results in this image:

Figure 13 preprocessed test image d

For detection we can use the following parameter:

MinPdist                        :    3

MaxPdist                        :    50

Epoch                           :    80

CountThreshold                  :    2

TangentSearchWindowRadius       :    7

EllipseRangeTolerance           :    4

MinCoverage                     :    30

MaxDiffError                    :    4

We only changed the MinCoverage value because the cells don’t have perfect elliptic shape, so we introduce a slightly bigger tolerance.

Again the algorithm needs about 10 epochs to detect all ellipses. Problems can be caused by the incomplete ellipse on the left side and the deformed ellipse in the center of the image. Nevertheless the RHT finds almost every time all ellipses correctly. A sample output:

  Columns 1 through 7


  270.3021   63.6827  336.9685  110.3143  164.8037  282.6283  177.4440

  108.1948  121.0237   88.5797   34.1158   59.3212  206.4743   98.1646

   24.5916   24.2187   24.8545   24.1066   21.3167   18.1552   25.1232

   24.0916   21.4756   22.3462   21.0549   17.3210   20.5081   18.5974

   -0.7254    0.1735   -0.5263   -0.2686    0.2958   -0.2378    0.1678


  Columns 8 through 10


  160.3133  349.6957    1.2822

  144.1991   13.2230   96.7674

   28.9921   29.1964   14.4132

   26.4200   24.5893   20.5341

    0.6404   -0.6144   -0.2035

And the superimposed image:

Figure 14 output to test image d, blood cells



Results and conclusion

The RHT performs very well with artificial images as long as the ellipse’s radii are not too different (results in flat ellipses). Even with the natural image the algorithm still works pretty good. Especially the accuracy of the parameters found is quite astonishing if one compares the input and output images. This implies that this method of pattern recognition is suited very well for highly accurate measurements (e.g. exact location, rotation, locus, area etc…). Since the algorithm provides all the results in matrix form, it’s very easy to postprocess this data.

There are some major drawbacks though: since the algorithm works on a stochastic base, we don’t get the same result each time we apply it to an image; even worse, it can detect some nonexistent ellipses and/or not detect others sometimes. This behavior suggests to run the algorithm several times over the same image and average the results (and hopefully discard false alarms). Most images tested had a resolution of 256x256 pixels (363x241 pixels for the natural image) and needed about 10 epochs to find all ellipses. This process took about 1:30 Minutes on a PIII 450MHz which is quite slow. This would make more than one run almost impossible.

There are several reasons for this bad performance (in terms of execution speed). The main reason is the implementation in MATLAB, because the .m files of MATLAB are script files that are interpreted in runtime. The author chose MATLAB because of its ability to use easy and fast matrix calculations, what would have taken a lot of time if implemented in c. The first version of this algorithm used a list structure as proposed by McLaughlin, but it was so slow, that the storing of the parameters in a matrix (although more memory consuming) was much faster than the list.

There is a lot of room for optimization in the algorithm as implemented by the author in MATLAB. So if somebody is interested in further pursuing this RHT he should feel free to contact the author by email.





[1.] V. F. Leavers. "Shape Detection in Computer Vision Using the Hough Transform, " London: Springer-Verlag, (1992)

[2.] R. A. McLaughlin, "Technical report - Randomized Hough transform: Improved ellipse detection with comparison," Tech. Rep. 97 / 1, The University of Western Australia, Centre for Intelligent Information Processing Systems, Dept. of E.E. Eng., U.W.A., Stirling Hwy, Nedlands W.A. 6907, Australia, (1997).

[3.] L. Xu, E. Oja and P. Kultanen, "A new curve detection method: Randomized hough transform (RHT)," Pattern Recognition Letters, 11, 331-338 (1990).


Appendix, MATLAB code


Example of how to use the code (it is assumed that the imaging toolbox for MATLAB is installed, else all im*** functions won’t work as well as the preProcess script):




[res img]=rht(blood1,2);

imshow( (double(img)+double(blood1))./2)

File: rht.m

function [res, resImg]=rht(im, exitThresh)


% RHT (Randomized Hough Transform)

% This function analyzes a binary picture (pre processed with an edge finding

% algorithm) and tries to find ellipses of any shape and rotation.

% It outputs a matrix 'res' containing the 5 ellipse parameters in each column

% (they belong to the ellipse equation) :

% ( (y-q)*sin(theta) + (x-p)*cos(theta) )^2 / r1^2 +

% ( (y-q)*cos(theta) - (x-p)*sin(theta) )^2 / r2^2 = 1

% where ...

% p, q  : the coordinates (x,y) of the ellipse translated from (0,0)

% r1    : radius of the ellipse along the x-axis

% r2    : radius of the ellipse along the y axis

% theta : angle to x axis (in radians) of ellipse rotated counter clockwise


% input  : im         binary image (containing only 0 or 1)

%          exitThreh  number of unsuccessful consecutive epochs after which the

%                     function terminates (this guarantees abortion of the program)

% output : res        matrix containing the ellipse parameters (each column stands

%                     for one single ellipse

%          resImg     image containing the ellipses found (may be used as mask)


% by Andrew Schuler ( March, 2000


% global variables can be accessed by every subroutine


% contains a 6xn matrix (5 ellipse parameters and the count, i.e. how many times

% there has been found an ellipse in the picture with the same param set).

global parMat;

% nx2 matrix containing all the coordinates (x,y) of the image that are non 0 (i.e.

% all points that lie on an edge)

global points;







% The follwing variables may have an impact on the performance of this

% algorithm. They should be changed for the needs of the input image, i.e.

% an image containing only very small ellipses should have small 'minPdist'

% and 'maxPdist' values (among other changes...).

% Some variables wre global becaus they are used in sub routines.




% Value in percent.

% This value is used by the 'checkEllipsesFound' function. The points found

% on an ellipse are normalized with the points lieing of the rectangle defined

% by 2*r1, 2*r2  (i.e. points on ellipse / points on rectangle). If this value

% (percentage) is bigger than 'minCoverage' then the ellipse is considered

% existent.

global minCoverage;

minCoverage = 30;


% This value is used by the 'findEllipseCenter' function. It specifies a radius

% in pixels around a certain point. Originating in this point the algorithm then

% tries to match a tangent that best fits the points inside the cricle (specified

% by the radius).

% A value too big may prevent detection of small ellipses, although with a bigger

% window size the estimate for the tanget gets better.

global tangentSearchWindowRadius;

tangentSearchWindowRadius = 7;


% When adding a newly found parameter set then the difference is computed to each

% param set in 'parMat' (=> 5 errors each set). The sum is then taken of the

% 5 absolute values for each set. If the summed error lies below 'maxDiffError' then

% the two parameter sets are considered equal.

global maxDiffError;

maxDiffError = 4;


% minimum and maximum distance that two of the three picked points

% are allowd to have (it doesn't make sense to pick points too far away

% from each other).

% this parameters can affect the algorithm's ability to detect very large

% (or very small) ellipses in the image

minPdist = 3;

maxPdist = 50;



%%%%%%%%%% Quantisation is NOT used anymore in this version !!!!!!

% Quantisation steps for each of the 5 ellipse parameters. The smaller the values,

% the finer will the resolution be but the harder will it be to find more

% than one point set (3) with equal parameters.

pQuant = 2;

qQuant = 2;

r1Quant = 2;

r2Quant = 2;

thetaQuant = 0.2;



% Number of loops done before parameter data is analyzed

% i.e. algorithm picks epoch * 3 points.

% The bigger this number, the more likely it is to find more than one

% point set with equal ellipse params.

epoch = 80;


% To consider an ellipse in the image as existent, the algorithm needs to

% find more than 'countThreshold' occurences of an ellipse param set.

countThreshold = 2;


% Value in pixels.

% If the algorithm checks the existence of an ellipse it looks for the

% points that satisfy the ellipse equation but also within a radius by

% 'ellipseRangeTolerance' pixels bigger and smaller, since usually the points

% of an ellipse in the binary image don't lie exactly on the locus of the

% ellipse described by the 5 parameters.

% The ellipses are also drawn with this tolerance in the output image.

ellipseRangeTolerance = 4;











% initialization of variables


points = [];

parMat = [];

res = [];


% get number of rows and columns of input image



% result image (has same size as input image)



% find all non zero elements (indices are stored in di,dj)

[di, dj]=find(im);


% points now contains all x coordinates in the first column

% and all y coordinates in the second column

points=[dj di];


exitCond = 0;


% program exits after 'exitThresh' unsuccessful epochs

while exitCond <= exitThresh


   % get number of points found



   % if number is smaller than 3 -> exit

   if num <= 3





   for m = 1:epoch


      picks = 0;


      while picks < 3*num

         % get three points (indices to rows of 'points')







         picks = picks + 1;


         % analyze points if the lie within the specified range

         if checkPoints(p1, p2, p3, minPdist, maxPdist) == 1

            % estimate ellipse center

            center=findEllipseCenter(p1, p2, p3);

            if center(1) >= 0 & center(2) >= 0

               % get other three parameters

               params=findEllipseParams(p1, p2, p3, center);

               if params(1) ~= -1


                  % break only if we've found a valid param set







      % there obviously was no ellipse so exit the program

      if picks >= 3*num




      % add the parameters found to our 'parMat' matrix

      %addParam(params,[pQuant qQuant r1Quant r2Quant thetaQuant]);






   % if there were no valid paramsets found -> exit program

   if isempty(parMat) == 1





   % find parameter sets with a count higher than a certain threshold



   % extract maximum value

   %[value index]=max(parMat(6,col));

   %col = col(index);


   % check those ellipses found

   if isempty(col) == 0

      found = checkEllipsesFound(col, ellipseRangeTolerance);


      found = [];




   if length(found) == 0

      exitCond = exitCond + 1;


      % if there were ellipses successfully detected then add those

      % parameters to the output matrix 'res'

      exitCond = 0;

      for n = 1:length(found)

         res = [res parMat(1:5,found(n))];




   disp(sprintf('End of epoch, %d ellipses found\n',length(found)));

   % reset 'parMat' for next epoch




% draw the ellipses found in the output image 'resImg'

for n = 1:size(res,2)

   resImg=drawEllipse(res(1:5,n), resImg, ellipseRangeTolerance);




File addParam.m:

function addParam(paramSet)


% Add a parameter set of an ellipse to the 'parMat' matrix.


% input : paramSet (1x5) containing p,q,r1,r2,theta


% by Andrew Schuler ( March, 2000



global parMat


% assure that all values are real

paramSet = real(paramSet);


% round the parameters accoding to theri param steps


%modSet=mod(adjParamSet, quant);

%paramSet = adjParamSet-modSet;


% catch empty matrix case

if isempty(parMat)

   parMat = [paramSet 1]';


   % check if parameter set is already present in 'parMat'

   col = findParam(paramSet);


   % if there is no col with the same parameters we simply add the

   % new parameter vector

   if col == 0

      parMat = [parMat [paramSet 1]'];

      count = 1;


      % there already is a same parameter vector, so the count is increased by 1


      % if there already is a similar parameter set then the old set (weighted by

      % its count) is averaged with the new param set (weight 1)

      count = parMat(6,col);

      parMat(1:5,col) =( count*parMat(1:5,col) + paramSet' )./ (count + 1);

      parMat(6,col) = count + 1;


   %disp(sprintf('Found valid ellipse param set: %f %f %f %f %f %d\n',paramSet(1), paramSet(2), paramSet(3), paramSet(4), paramSet(5), count));





File checkEllipsesFound.m:

function found=checkEllipsesFound(col, tolerance)


% Returns a vector containing the column indices (of 'parMat')

% that were positively identified as ellipses.


% input  : col         vector containing column indices to 'parMat'

%                      that eventually may describe a valid ellipse

%          tolerance   tolerance in percent (e.g. 15). Points within a radius

%                      'tolerance' bigger and smaller than the actual ellipse

%                      are considered for evaluating the ellipse


% output : found       vector containing column indices to 'parMat'

%                      that describe a valid ellipse


% by Andrew Schuler ( March, 2000



global parMat;

global points;


found = [];


global minCoverage;


% if more than the percentage epsilon points are found near the ellipse then the ellipse is

% considered being existent

epsilon = minCoverage / 100.0;


uTol = 1+tolerance/100.0;

lTol = 1-tolerance/100.0;



for n = 1:length(col)

   p = parMat(1,col(n));

   q = parMat(2,col(n));

   r1 = parMat(3,col(n));

   r2 = parMat(4,col(n));

   theta = parMat(5,col(n));


   tol = tolerance / max(r1,r2);


   if tol >= 1;

      tol = 0;



   uTol = 1 + tol;

   lTol = 1 - tol;



   if r1 > 0 & r2 > 0

      el = ( (points(:,2)-q).*sin(theta) + (points(:,1)-p).*cos(theta)).^2/(r1^2)+( (points(:,2)-q).*cos(theta)-(points(:,1)-p).*sin(theta) ).^2/(r2^2);

      % get indices to points that lie on the ellipse examined

      ellipsePoints = find(el <= uTol^2 & el >= lTol^2);


      if length(ellipsePoints)/(4*(r1+r2)) >= epsilon

         found = [found col(n)];









function removePoints(indicesVector)


% Function removes points from 'points' matrix row indexed by

% 'indicesVector'


% input  : indicesVector   contains row indices to the 'points' mtarix

%                          marking all points to be removed (e.g. [3 6 50 53]

%                          removes rows 3,6,50 and 53 from 'points' matrix)


% by Andrew Schuler ( March, 2000



global points;


newVec = [];


vec = [1:length(points)];


num = length(indicesVector);

pLength = length(points);


ind = 1;


for n = 1:pLength

   if vec(n) ~= indicesVector(ind)

      newVec = [newVec vec(n)];


      if ind == num




      ind = ind + 1;




% append the remaining indices

if n < pLength

   newVec = [newVec [n+1:pLength]];




% create new points array (without the points to beremoved)

points = points(newVec,:);



File checkPoints.m:

function ok=checkPoints(p1, p2, p3, mini, maxi)


% Check distances of points to each other. The longest

% and the shortest side of the triangle (p1,p2,p3) are

% examined.


% input  :  p1      coordinates of point one (vector x,y)

%           p2      coordinates of point two (vector x,y)

%           p3      coordinates of point three (vector x,y)

%           mini    minimum side length allowed for triangle (p1,p2,p3)

%           maxi    maximum side length allowed for triangle (p1,p2,p3)


% output :  ok      has value 1 if points satisfy criterias or 0 if they don't


% by Andrew Schuler ( March, 2000


% calculate the 3 sides





% calculate norm of each side (=length)

norms=[norm(a,2) norm(b,2) norm(c,2)];


% discard if one side is too small or too big

if max(norms) > maxi


elseif min(norms) < mini







File deleteParam.m:

function deleteParam(paramSet)


% Delete a parameter set of an ellipse from the 'parMat' matrix.


% input : paramSet (1x5) containing p,q,r1,r2,theta


% by Andrew Schuler ( March, 2000



global parMat;


numCols = size(parMat,2);


col = findParam(paramSet);


if  col > 0

   if col == 1

      parMat = parMat(:,2:numCols);

   elseif col == numCols

      parMat = parMat(:,1:numCols-1);


      parMat = [parMat(:,1:col-1) parMat(:,col+1:numCols)];





File drawEllipse.m:

function outImg=drawEllipse(paramSet, image, tolerance)


% Draws an ellipse into the image 'image', i.e. it sets all points

% to 1 that satisfy the ellipse euqation given by 'paramSet'.


% input  : paramSet    vector containing the 5 ellipse parameters (p,q,r1,r2,theta)

%          image       matrix specifying the image where the ellipse should be

%                      drawn on

%          tolerance   tolerance in percent (e.g. 15), i.e. all points that lie within

%                      a radius 'tolerance' percent bigger and smaller than

%                      given by the ellipse equation ('paramSet') are set to 1

%                      ( = white)


% output : outImg      Image containing the input image 'image' plus the

%                      ellipse drawn.


% by Andrew Schuler ( March, 2000





%uTol = 1+tolerance/100.0;

%lTol = 1-tolerance/100.0;


xDim = size(image,2);

yDim = size(image,1);


p = paramSet(1);

q = paramSet(2);

r1 = paramSet(3);

r2 = paramSet(4);

theta = paramSet(5);


tol = tolerance / max(r1,r2);


if tol >= 1;

   tol = 0;



uTol = 1 + tol;

lTol = 1 - tol;


coords=[round([0:(xDim*yDim-1)]'./yDim+0.5)-1 mod([0:(xDim*yDim-1)]',yDim)];


el = ( (coords(:,2)-q).*sin(theta) + (coords(:,1)-p).*cos(theta)).^2/(r1^2)+( (coords(:,2)-q).*cos(theta)-(coords(:,1)-p).*sin(theta) ).^2/(r2^2);


pts = find(el <= uTol^2 & el >= lTol^2);


for n = 1:size(pts,1)

   outImg(coords(pts(n),2)+1,coords(pts(n),1)+1) = 1;




File findEllipseCenter.m:

function center=findEllipseCenter(p1, p2, p3)


% Estimate the center of an ellipse given three points. For each

% point the tanget of the ellipse is estimated (giving tang1,tang2,tang3 for

% p1,p2,p3). The intersections of the tangents tang1,tang2 => t1 and

% tang2,tang3 => t2 is computed. The center no lies on the intersetcion of

% the line originating in t1 going through the center of the side c (p1..p2)

% and the line originating in t2 going through the center of the side a (p2..p3).


% input     : p1      coordinates of point one (vector x,y)

%             p2      coordinates of point two (vector x,y)

%             p3      coordinates of point three (vector x,y)


% output    : center  coordinates of the ellipse center (vector x,y)

%                     value may be [-1 -1] if not found


% by Andrew Schuler ( March, 2000


global points;

global tangentSearchWindowRadius;


% calculate the 3 sides





% midpoint on side c



% midpoint on side a




% get the three tangents

tang1 = findOptimalTangent(p1, tangentSearchWindowRadius);

tang2 = findOptimalTangent(p2, tangentSearchWindowRadius);

tang3 = findOptimalTangent(p3, tangentSearchWindowRadius);


% cacluate points where tangets intersect

% tang1 and tang2

equ=[tang1' -tang2' -(p1-p2)'];



% tangets may be parallel at this point (eventhough very unlikely...)

% if matrix doesn't look like: [1 0 a]

%                              [0 1 b] then tangets must be parallel

if isequal(equ(1:2,1:2),eye(2,2)) ~= 1

   center = [-1 -1];




% intersection of tangent1 and tangent2

t1= p1+tang1.*equ(1,3);


% tang2 and tang3

equ=[tang2' -tang3' -(p2-p3)'];



if isequal(equ(1:2,1:2),eye(2,2)) ~= 1

   center = [-1 -1];





% intersection of tangent2 and tangent3

t2= p2+tang2.*equ(1,3);


% find intersection of lines t1mc and t2ma




equ=[v1' -v2' -(t1-t2)'];



if isequal(equ(1:2,1:2),eye(2,2)) ~= 1

   center = [-1 -1];







File findEllipseParams.m:

function params=findEllipseParams(p1, p2, p3, o)


% This function finds the remaining three ellipse parameters

% if the center and three points lieing on the ellipse are known.


% input   : p1      coordinates of point one (vector x,y)

%           p2      coordinates of point two (vector x,y)

%           p3      coordinates of point three (vector x,y)

%           o       coordinates of center (vector x,y)


% output  : params  vector containing the 5 ellipse parameters

%                   (p,q,r1,r2,theta) or (-1,-1,-1,-1,-1) if the

%                   parameters don't exist for the given combination.


% by Andrew Schuler ( March, 2000


% translate the ellipse so the center lies in [0 0]





% get param p,q,a,b,c (they satisfy the ellipse equation:

% a*(x-p)^2 + 2*b*(x-p)*(y-q) + c*(y-q)^2 = 1 )

equ=[conv(p1t,p1t) 1;conv(p2t,p2t) 1;conv(p3t,p3t) 1];



if isequal(equ(1:3,1:3), eye(3,3)) == 0

   params = [-1 -1 -1 -1 -1];







   % check inequality a*c-b^2 > 0

   if (a*c)-b^2 <= 0

      params = [-1 -1 -1 -1 -1];


      if a > 0

         % write back the transformed parameters (p,q,r1,r2,theta)

         params=[o(1) o(2) transformEllipseParams(a, b, c)];


         params = [-1 -1 -1 -1 -1];








File findOptimalTangent.m:

function tangent=findOptimalTangent(p, radius)


% Find the tangent that best fits the point around 'p', these points lie within

% a radius 'radius' from the point 'p'.

% The fucntion uses the least squares method to find the optimal tangent, i.e. it

% minimizes the sum of distances squared of the points to the tangent. Usually the

% y value of the tangent's slope is always 1 but there are special cases that have to

% be considered (such as: all points are symmetric around the y axis => tangent is

% (1,0) ).


% input  :  p       coordinates of the originating point for the tangent (vector x,y)

%           radius  radius in pixels that is searched around 'p' for neighbouring points


% output :  tanget  slope of the optimal tangent found (x,y) originating in 'p'


% by Andrew Schuler ( March, 2000


global points;


% find points that lie within the specified radius from the point p


inrange=find(radii <= radius^2);


% center all points found at [0 0]

checkpoints=[points(inrange,1)-p(1) points(inrange,2)-p(2)];


% suare sum of ys


% square sum of xs


% porduct sum



% if all points are symmetric to either the x or y axis then

% thier product sum can be 0 (the only solutions for a tangent can then be [1 0] or [0 1]

if prod ~= 0

   x1=0.5*( (-ysqu+xsqu+sqrt(ysqu^2-2*xsqu*ysqu+xsqu^2+4*prod^2))/prod);

   x2=0.5*( (-ysqu+xsqu-sqrt(ysqu^2-2*xsqu*ysqu+xsqu^2+4*prod^2))/prod);










% [x1 y1] and [x2 y2] are now perpendicular, to find the solution we have to calculate

% the sum of distances for both solutions


d1=getDistSum([x1 y1], checkpoints);

d2=getDistSum([x2 y2], checkpoints);


if d1 < d2

   tangent=[x1 y1];


   tangent=[x2 y2];




File findParam.m:

function col=findParam(paramSet)


% Find a specified parameter set of an ellipse in the 'parMat' matrix.


% input  : paramSet (1x5) containing p,q,r1,r2,theta


% output : col      column index of the set found in 'parMat' or 0 if the set

%                   couldn't be found.


% by Andrew Schuler ( March, 2000



global parMat;

global maxDiffError;


thetaWeight = 5;



searchMat=[paramSet(1)*ones(1,parSize(2)); paramSet(2)*ones(1,parSize(2)); paramSet(3)*ones(1,parSize(2)); paramSet(4)*ones(1,parSize(2)); (thetaWeight*paramSet(5))*ones(1,parSize(2))];

parMat2 = [parMat(1:4,:);parMat(5,:).*thetaWeight];

diffMat=parMat2 - searchMat;




%col = find(sumVec == 0);

% find all paramsets where their arror sum is below a certain threshold

col = find(sumVec < maxDiffError);


if isempty(col) == 0

   % if there are paramsets with a low error sum then take out the one with

   % the smallest error sum

   [value col] = min(sumVec);




if isempty(col)

   col = 0;




File findParamAboveThresh.m:

function col=findParamAboveThresh(thresh)


% Find the parameter sets in the 'parMat' matrix that have a count

% higher than 'thresh'.


% input  : thresh  value specifying the threshold for detection, i.e. the count

%                  of a param set must be bigger than thresh to be detected.


% output : col      column indices of the sets found in 'parMat'


% by Andrew Schuler ( March, 2000



global parMat;


col = find(parMat(6,:) > thresh);



File getDistSum.m:

function distSum=getDistSum(tangent, pointSet)


% Caclulates the distances of each point to the tangent (located

% in (0,0) ) and return its sum


% input   : tanget    vetor specifying the tangent's slope (vector x,y)

%           pointsSet 2xn matrix containing the points to be examined (x,y)


% output  : distSum   sum of distances of the points given to the tangent


% by Andrew Schuler ( March, 2000



% get number of points to examine

numPoints = size(pointSet,1);



tmat=[tmat(:,1).*tangent(1) tmat(:,2).*tangent(2) tmat(:,3).*0];


% append a third column to the 'pointSet' because the crocc product can

% only be taken from 3d vectors

pmat=[pointSet zeros(numPoints,1)];



if numPoints <= 1

   crossP = cross(pmat,tmat);


   crossP = cross(pmat,tmat,2);




% dist contains distances from every point to the line defined

% by the tangent vector


% avoid zero division

if norm(tangent,2) > 0


   % take sum of absolute values



   % if tangent vecor was (0,0) return arbitrary high value

   distSum = 100;




File getEllipse.m:

function numPixels=getEllipse(paramSet, tolerance)


% Returns the number of pixels satisfying the ellipse

% equation fiven by 'paramSet'.

% Points count towards 'numPixels' value if they lie within

% a radius 'tolerance' percent bigger and smaller than the ellipse

% described by 'paramSet'.


% input  : paramSet    vector containing the 5 ellipse parameters (p,q,r1,r2,theta)

%          tolerance   tolerance in percent (e.g. 15)


% output : numPixels   number of pixels lieing on the ellipse


% by Andrew Schuler ( March, 2000


if (paramSet(3) ~= 0) & (paramSet(4) ~= 0)


   xDim = round(paramSet(3))+1;

   yDim = round(paramSet(4))+1;


   coords=[round([0:(xDim*yDim-1)]'./yDim+0.5)-1 mod([0:(xDim*yDim-1)]',yDim)];

   ellipse = (coords(:,1).^2)./(paramSet(3)^2) + (coords(:,2).^2)./(paramSet(4)^2);


   % find points within ellipse

   pts = find(ellipse <= (1+tolerance/100) & ellipse >= (1-tolerance/100));


   % number of points covered by ellipse (multiplied by 4 since we took

   % the points only in the first quadrant

   numPixels = 4*length(pts)-4;


   numPixels = 0;





File transformEllipseParams.m:

function params=transformEllipseParams(a, b, c)


% Transform the parameters of the ellipse equation:

% a*x^2 + 2*b*x*y + c*y^2 = 1

% to parameters of the ellipse equation:

% (y*sin(theta)+x*cos(theta))^2/r1^2 + (y*cos(theta)-x*sin(theta))^2/r2^2 = 1


% input  :  a      value for parameter a

%           b      value for parameter b

%           c      value for parameter c


% output :  params vector (3x1) containing the transformed parameters r1,r2,theta


% by Andrew Schuler ( March, 2000


if a < 0 & c < 0

   a = abs(a);

   c = abs(c);







if b ~= 0

   ok = 1;


   ok = 0;



if r1 == r2

   ok = 0;



if r1 == 0 | r2 == 0

   ok = 0;





if ok == 1








   theta = 0;



res = [a b c] - transformEllipseParamsInv(r1, r2, theta);


if sum(abs(res)) < 1e-4

   params=[r1 r2 theta];


   params=[r2 r1 -theta];




File transformEllipseParamsInv.m:

function params=transformEllipseParamsInv(r1, r2, theta)


% Transform the parameters of the ellipse equation:

% (y*sin(theta)+x*cos(theta))^2/r1^2 + (y*cos(theta)-x*sin(theta))^2/r2^2 = 1

% to parameters of the ellipse equation:

% a*x^2 + 2*b*x*y + c*y^2 = 1


% input  :  r1      value for parameter r1

%           r2      value for parameter r2

%           theta   value for parameter theta


% output :  params  vector (3x1) containing the transformed parameters a,b,c


% by Andrew Schuler ( March, 2000


if r1 > 0 & r2 > 0










params=[a b c];



File preProcess.m:

function outImg=preProcess(inImage)


% normalize the image

inImage = im2double(inImage)./255;


% contrast stretch the image

inImage = cst(inImage);


% remove noise from image osing a wiener filer

inImage = wiener2(inImage,[10 10]);


% enhance edges

inImage=edge(inImage, 'sobel');


outImg = inImage;




function out=cst(in)


% contrast stretch



out=imadjust(in,[mini maxi],[]);